Age 53 changes
We've tried to solve a number of issues that remained after the introduction of the war system, and we're pretty confident we've succeeded. Additionally, we've finally changed how fame is gained.
Unfortunately we didn't quite get around to making races more fun to play, but there's some ideas in the sneak peek! If you're worried about attackers being underpowered: this is not as much of an issue anymore since small t/ms have been downtuned. It's probably still a problem though.
Due to nearing holidays everyone is rather busy, so it could take a while before Age 54 starts. Our apologies!
Enjoy the read!
In addition to Power, land rankings now also give points. The same system applies: 25 for 1st, 17 for 2nd and so on. This means that next age twice as many points will be distributed.
Dying of age yields power equal to size_before_death/2 to the dying tribe's alliance.
Power now decays after 40 years rather than 80 years.
The hostility modifier is changed:
Current: (Raw_hostility_gains) * (your_alliance_size/no. of tribes/4000) * (smaller_alli_size/larger_alli_size) * (no. of tribes_small_alli/no. Of tribes_large_alli)
New: (Raw_hostility_gains) * (smaller_alli_size/larger_alli_size) * (no. of tribes_small_alli/no. Of tribes_large_alli)
The part (your_alliance_size/no. of tribes/4000) was removed for several reasons. First, it made it really hard for small alliances to wage war. Second, it was first introduced because it functioned as an inaccurate size modifier to hostility gains – all such size modifiers are, now much more accurately, inherent in the t/m/a attacks themselves. Example: Destroying a building yields 1 or (2000/target_size) hostility, whichever is lower. Thus, there was effectively a double size modifier; hence why we remove one.
Of course, this change enormously boosts the “500 acre owl” strategy... which is an additional reason for the following change:
Spells/operations costs
Double spell/operations base costs, except for elendian, matawaska river, lord of harvest, quanta (spells).
Change mp/tp increase with size:
if size <=2000, MP = Guilds * (5/6 + size/3000)
if size >2000, MP = Guilds * (0.5 + log4(size/500))
if size <=2000, MP = Guilds * (1/3 + size/750)
if size >2000, MP = Guilds * (0.5 + log4(size/500)) * 2
Explanation: the second part of the formula, the one detailing everything above 2k, has received a simple *2 modifier. This negates the “double spell/operations base costs”. So nothing changes above 2k.
The first part of the formula changes radically. Effectively, potential damage output at 500 acres is halved for both mages and thieves. This scales back to normal at 2000 acres.
Spell/operation costs were doubled in order to avoid the “my guild holds 0.5 mp” problem and the “I can't maintain my self spells” issue that it entailed. Note: the change in numbers may be bewildering at first and may also mess up the layout, especially on mobile phones.
Dragon Mage
Dragon Mage's base success rate has been increased from 20% to 23.5%. This means it is now slightly easier to cast DM. However, the success rate of mages versus mages increases much more.
This change intends to:
- promote mages opping mages
- promote non-mages' use of Churches rather than academies.
Pillage: Now gains twice as many resources. Note: this is to balance the halved damage out of war without putting Dwarves at a disadvantage. It also makes pillage more useful in war.
Every farm destroyed yields 5000 kgs of food.
Every lab destroyed yields 20 research points.
Every mine destroyed yields 8000 crowns.
Every yard destroyed yields 500 logs.
Change: Loses 10% less military → Loses 25% less military.
Change: 30% weaponries and walls allowed → 50% weaponries and walls allowed.
0/4 370 cr → 0/4 420 cr
6/5 850 cr → 6/4 800 cr
Can now build farms.
New fame system:
New magic fame formula: (base+(destroyed*1))*(smaller_size/larger_size).
Explanation per part:
– Base: base fame is halved compared to now, so DM yields 7 instead of 14 fame)
– +1 fame per building destroyed.
– Apply modifier: smaller_size/larger_size.
– Poison, Anthrax and other non-destroying spells like Magical Void still yield the same base fame, but the new modifier is applied on these gains as well.
New thief fame formula: (destroyed*3)*(smaller_size/larger_size).
Explanation per part:
– For each thief op, no fame gained, but +3 fame per building destroyed.
– Ambush yields acres*3 fame. Modifier is applied though.
Attacker fame formula: No changes. No modifier.
Growth/turtle/war mode indicator on the tribe page is updated. We hope it now gives a more realistic picture.
Random event:
Add: kills size*x elites
Add: kills size*x defense specs
Add: kills size*x thieves/mystics
Sneak Peek
We're working on making races more attractive, and naturally (seeing current game balance) we've started on the attackers. This yielded among other ideas in the following, which might be implemented next age (!Not this age!). Feel free to comment on these in Game Talk:
An Orc “group attribute bonus”: class-specific bonuses
An Orc alliance spell, giving bonuses to ALL orcs in the alliance
The use of WAR traits, which are only present in war. Examples:
Undead: (WAR) Receives Ciorin's Blessing and Deam's Hunt. Cannot be voided but can be negated using Winds of Distress or Enchantress Salem. CB and DH do show up on Truth's Eye.
Balrog: (WAR) 25% resistance to attacks (reduced damage).
Uruk Hai: (WAR) No maintenance costs on military.
~AatW Staff
Age 53 changes
Open Archived Bolle opened this discussion on
Bolle -
VorteX -
Looking good. Owls still need a tougher nerf though - more expensive thieves changes practically nothing, as they still have crazy income anyway. Reducing def value of thieves might have been better. Still, on the whole, the changes look promising
dumahz -
^^I like the direction this is going
Joe -
Owls suck. Britts are way better! :D
But looks interesting. I'm curious how the land rankings will add to the mix. Warring only is no longer the only strategy ;)
But looks interesting. I'm curious how the land rankings will add to the mix. Warring only is no longer the only strategy ;)
Bolle -
Oh, I just noticed I forgot my DM change which makes DM slightly more easier (and consequently increases the success rate of high ML vs high ML).
I'll try to include it before Age 54 goes live.
It should have the following effects:
- Mages can kill eachother slightly more easily.
- ML is a slightly worse choice as mage defense, especially for non-mages.
- Mages will deal slightly more damage theoretically, since their success rate is improved. However, this is only the case in direct ML vs ML battles - churches will still be fine.
- Low MLs vs Ml 1 or similar setups will have a slightly increased success rate overall: ML 25 will no longer be the absolute “required” ML to deal damage with DMs, 20 is now quite possibly an option.
Idea is to change the base chance on DM from 20% to something higher, probably 24%.
I'll try to include it before Age 54 goes live.
It should have the following effects:
- Mages can kill eachother slightly more easily.
- ML is a slightly worse choice as mage defense, especially for non-mages.
- Mages will deal slightly more damage theoretically, since their success rate is improved. However, this is only the case in direct ML vs ML battles - churches will still be fine.
- Low MLs vs Ml 1 or similar setups will have a slightly increased success rate overall: ML 25 will no longer be the absolute “required” ML to deal damage with DMs, 20 is now quite possibly an option.
Idea is to change the base chance on DM from 20% to something higher, probably 24%.
rEdL|nE -
when will the deploy happen?
Bolle -
24 hours before age changes go live, and it should definitely be announced because of Nazgul.
Compensation for Nazgul isn't planned yet, but if the change happens on too short a term it's a real option. “too short” is within 3 days.
Compensation for Nazgul isn't planned yet, but if the change happens on too short a term it's a real option. “too short” is within 3 days.
VorteX -
Well, with the DM change added too, I call that a real great job by Dev this age. Congrats!
Sanzo -
I think he means the DM change to happen next age
Bolle -
No I want it to happen this age. I recall a typo in dev now
VorteX -
No, he said he's going to try and include it before the next age comes in
Sanzo -
It's strange how he talks of Age 54 in a thread devoted to Age 53 changes
Hodor -
rEdL|nE -
Lord Saggy -
No Hodor, it's just thunder and lightning.. settle.
hardar -
Add: kills size*x elites
Add: kills size*x defense specs
Add: kills size*x thieves/mystics
Add: kills size*x elites
Add: kills size*x defense specs
Add: kills size*x thieves/mystics
Really? Like the RE that can wipe all your off specs in a few hours?
VorteX -
I hope that that one is balanced for races such as drags and balrogs...
Pollito -
I hope one day Orkfia gets balanced....
VorteX -
...then it would be no fun at all
Pollito -
So in other words:
Unbalance and nerfing with added winning = FUN?
Unbalance and nerfing with added winning = FUN?
Bolle -
I hope that that one is balanced for races such as drags and balrogs...
I hope that that one is balanced for races such as drags and balrogs...
EDIT: I'll make sure race modifiers are applied
I'd also reply to Pollito if I had an inkling of what he meant.
Sanzo -
why should it be balanced? the off spec one isnt balanced afaik
Pollito -
Nothing is ever balanced :p
mazja -
They dd lower thief def on owls, and they dont get crazy incoe they already increased the 40% of normal gains to 50% of normal. Why you hate the cute owls so much vortex?
hardar -
Because owls are like ravens: live fast, die young.
Pollito -
Yeah Malty, why do you hate The Owls???