Open Archived robokop opened this discussion on
Hardar -
Oh, i missunderstood your message on top of this page, my bad.
DaBoss -
In pause and reset on a given time so all people will be ready
Bolle -
I'm sure everyone hates to repeat and alter the course of history, so I'm in favour of a mass reset ![Happy [:D]](/pics/emoticons/smiley-lol.png)
Good old times...
![Happy [:D]](/pics/emoticons/smiley-lol.png)
Good old times...
DaBoss -
If I remember old classic right just give everybody like 72 hours of production while time goes on. This give people to start some type of build before anybody attacks.
Raviollius -
I don't really care if the game is reset this time, but I wouldn't like frequent resets.
zetta -
Mass reset ![Thumbs up [up]](/pics/emoticons/thumb-up.png)
![Thumbs up [up]](/pics/emoticons/thumb-up.png)
![Smile [:)]](/pics/emoticons/smiley.png)
Corian01 -
lol Zetta thos emoticons seemed like a gun in ur hand :D
Skilly -
Well Im still dont like the idea of a mass reset... but ither doing a mass reset or just unpauseing witch ever one will get us playing orkfia sooner I vote for.
Nikka -
![Thumbs up [up]](/pics/emoticons/thumb-up.png)
toonafish -
i agree, either reset or unpause, so we can get back at it
Buffy -
Since we lost 2 could reset everyone and give us 2 weeks worth of updates and let the wars commence :p
zetta -
![Thumbs up [up]](/pics/emoticons/thumb-up.png)
![Happy [:D]](/pics/emoticons/smiley-lol.png)
Snakeboy -
Screw skilly we need a mass reset
![Evil grin [evilgrin]](/pics/emoticons/smiley-twist.png)
Gong -
mass reset is much better..there are tribes who just came back from the dead and there are tribes who managed to have 9k acres and became 2k acres.
Ted -
Full reset plz
Corian01 -
lets try mass reset, and if tis fun with this base number of players maybe we will need to analize getting back to all orkfia ;)
Twinnie -
but then a bunch of 500 acres tribes beating on each other lol
Jon Snow -
but it's quite fair.
Gong -
then we can see who's gonna grow fast.
![Happy [:D]](/pics/emoticons/smiley-lol.png)
before it was thardferr, now this sad.
Skilly -
it really shouldnt be a debate about unpaused or reset... we should be debating on what we need todo to help robo get the game going!!!!!!
no aatw for almost 2 days already..need to find another game.
Demolision -
all rize for the king of nOObs after the restart
![Evil grin [evilgrin]](/pics/emoticons/smiley-twist.png)
CBeast -
Anything we can do to help robo? I'd hate to see the game lose players over this, so let us know if you can crowd source any of the work!
Sanzo -
Just click here:
![Happy [:D]](/pics/emoticons/smiley-lol.png)
Just click here:
![Happy [:D]](/pics/emoticons/smiley-lol.png)
![Thumbs up [up]](/pics/emoticons/thumb-up.png)