

Open Archived Moderator_Jamzi opened this discussion on

Moderator_Jamzi -

[edited 14th September 2015]
It's a monster - a 50,000 acre Grasshopper King is in alliance #666 - KILL IT!!!!

Hello Orkfians,

In Law and Order (LnO) we have been overwhelmed with complaints about food going missing from people's tribes.

Max has been looking into it but we don't think it's a bug. Let us know in here if you notice anything weird with your food [:)]

Reyes -

only missing food here

In local news: Your army has held a feast in your honour, 1,076 extra kilograms of grain were consumed in this celebration.

hardar -

That's lepel. He was just hungry.

Moderator_Jamzi -

Hmmn I am not sure.. something weird is going on... I was just innocently doing my normal checks in Operations whilst I was having my lunch.. then I heard a skittering noise.. I turned around and this was there and my lunch was gone :o

Broken image

Also I noticed some of the alliances seem to be empty and all that is left are locusts in the banner :o

I'm scared [cry]

Sanzo -

Like this?

2015-09-13 13:18:06 4,975 kgs of food was eaten by a locust swarm.

I assumed “Poison” tribe news was changed to this[8)] but I guess it's your doing

Moderator_Jamzi -

Wow :o That's not me that's for sure but I think this must be related to the many grasshoppers I keep seeing everywhere the last 24hrs or so. Law and Order is investigating to see if we can find out the source of this plague!

Bolle -

It's taking the points that determine who wins the age tho.

Moderator_Jamzi -

OH MY GOD!! Orkfians - it's time to pull together before every last one of us is killed by this Grasshopper menace. After a detailed investigation on IRC #orkfia channel, we think we have discovered the source of the locust plague. There is a MASSIVE Grasshopper here among us. I have been advised that the beast is residing in Alliance #666, I went to have a look but to be honest.. there isn't a lot we can do about this.. this is a problem too big for LnO to solve!

I messaged the Grasshopper King and asked him to go ravage some other made-up world and although I couldn't understand what he said, I am pretty confident the answer was “no” so we need to take matters into our own hands!

Whomever can rid our world of this behemoth will have a plaque added in the space the monster occupies. Please! Work together or separately on this cause, we don't care but please KILL IT else none of us might make it to Age 70!

Our investigations show that due to the terrible decision to remove bootcamp this age, a poor newbie in their desperation to make some soldiers, tried reciting all the words in the spell-book at once. Somehow, unbeknownst to anyone here, this resulted in summoning a ginormous grasshopper to our lands and it seems he is not really happy about it!

Poor noobs! you think staff would learn their lesson but what can you do! Oh yes - kill the grasshopper that's what you can do! KILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL! KILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!! KILLL IT BEFORE IT KILLS US!! HELLPP!

Mazzy -


Bolle -

that bootcamp newbie should try again, maybe he gets a spell to control the beast.

hardar -

the monster is quite suceptible [:D]

Moderator_Jamzi -

you've found a weakness? thank god!!!

bullshit -

2015-09-13 17:14:59 »« King Caelifera (#666) retreated before reaching Lazy elves (#17)

how pro is it rofl

hardar -


Moderator_Jamzi, 2 hours ago

you've found a weakness? thank god!!!

Broken image

Moderator_Jamzi -

haha! we just need about 5000000 more cans of that and we'll be good![evilgrin]

Reyes -

well each can kills about 200 bugs ;) do the math

(not really i dont even know how many bugs it kills haha)

DemoSan -

2015-09-15 19:37:06 4,017,957 kgs of food from your alliance market was rotten and trow away after a locust swarm shit on it.


Moderator_Jamzi -

Lol! ewwww

Gits -

the mofo, pooped in your food and now it's uneatable.

Bolle -

sm1 needs to learn how to spell.

bloodball -

the grasshopper is awesome. unite orkfians to the greater cause!

pokkie -

Subject From Delete
:-) King Caelifera (#666)

Chirp....good.... kill my citz.... I don't have elendian, so regrowth will suck after a while.... DM and other spells are useless with 1 hr tick... CHIRP!!

But remember, only teamwork will Chirp me.. [:p]

~ King Caelifera (#666)

2015-09-16 16:38:42 | Quick Reply | Read/Reply

Sanzo -

By elendian, it means matawaska.
Assuming 11m citz, it would take roughly 1700 successful FBs to kill it. I PW kills20% less citz than FB per op.

But the big problem here is it has no food not farms but I've never seen it starve [cry]
Also it's not like anyone can raid him either...

Gits -

plus with High mgl only way to do it is my arson's imo. Too bad most in Ork are mages not thieves lol

Sanzo -

We would only need 250-300 successful Araon/DMs
That's a big difference
If 15-20 tribes can come online, it should be a piece of cake

Gits -

that is half of Ork lol
unless you bring in your multi's Sanzo
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