
Age 74 Changes

Open Archived Jamzi opened this discussion on

thedritpwnskkkk -

lol thieves taking resources? That's never happened during the whole history of orkfia, wouldn't be realistic at all.

fuzzy34 -

Thieves stealing things not realistic? Hmm... Not sure about that one [8)]

[WOME] Istari -

I did not realize that owls lost two hour self op thief time. It did not quite read like that in the changes. Unless I'm wrong and seeing things differently.

[WOME] Istari -

I did not realize that owls lost two hour self op thief time. It did not quite read like that in the changes. Unless I'm wrong and seeing things differently.

chaoss -

Each age lasts 672 hours (exactly 4 weeks). When you die during the age, you start with 500+(hours_passed*3) acres. The time of death is used for determining the amount of acres. For example if you die half-way through the 4 week age you would restart with 1508 acres.

* When you die early, you come back bigger than when you started the Age in the hope you can still enjoy the rest of the age.

Shouldn't the tribe that died get more cash as well??? Otherwise you still end up at 500 acres

Not much to enjoy by getting grabbed and grabbed

Del -

You don't get to start out at that acreage if you just reset though, right? Also yeaaaaa that needs to be adjusted lol [up]

h3 -

Yes think you need to start with more cash after dieing

Just restarted at nearly 1k acres and only 3.7mil cash [evilgrin]

I can see WEs grabbing me soon ;)

Bolle -

Meh, I had made a plan for that.

Just not sure I actually included it in the final changes.. hmmm

Bolle -

Nope I didn't, I just thought I did [:(]

chaoss -

Bolle you Noob :)

Nimbo -

New tribes start at 500 acres, eh?
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