As you may recall, in the new rules there is no merging during the last week of the age.
This means if you were planning to finish the age in another alliance, you should get your requests to move alliance in now in order to move during Age 74 since the cut-off will be 15:59ST Tuesday 23rd February.
Merges will reopen as soon as Age 74 ends so there will be time for you to form the alliances you wish for Age 75.
Merges - Closed from 23rd Feb
Open Archived Jamzi opened this discussion on
Jamzi -
EM -
What are the current merge rules? Does it still consider ruler age?
EM -
Sweet. Free merges.
Bolle -
I suppose merging is best done after age end.
EM -
I don't think there's really any issue with it now. No merging in the world would propel an alliance above 28 ^^
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