- 1. CD #40
- 2. Double Rainbow Inc #24
- 3. zzzzzZZZZZzzzzz #42
- 4. Parmesan Cheese #30
- 5. The Elves #17
- 6. Happy Thanksgiving #19
- 7. Western Digital #13
- 8. Cthulpa #14
- 9. Orkfia Gods #22
- 10. Solo Mofo Yolo #27
Top 25 Tribes
- 1. NoThemeName #40
- 2. Woodstock #24
- 3. Turd on a bird #24
- 4. Chicken Little #24
- 5. name change request #40
- 6. Money talks, more or less #30
- 7. Mr Sandman #42
- 8. daps for naps #42
- 9. -WD- SSHD Blue #13
- 10. Sleepy Bear #42
- 11. [ELF] Pendir #17
- 12. Red Feather #19
- 13. swehordekillr #30
- 14. Odell #19
- 15. [CTH] Cthultus Arcanum #14
- 16. Newname #40
- 17. Taking a nap..zzZZzz.. #42
- 18. Pilgrim #19
- 19. my name is..? #40
- 20. InsertNameHere #40
- 21. Milliways #30
- 22. Explosion! #28
- 23. [ELF] Erutaron #17
- 25. Vlad Vladikoff #24
You can find the complete list of alliances here and tribes here