
Final Rankings - Age 105

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Top 10 Alliances
  • 1. ReSeT #20
  • 2. Double Rainbow Inc #24
  • 3. CD #40
  • 4. [OG] #17
  • 5. Slackerville!!!! #125
  • 6. Sinful Thingz #31
  • 7. Dominion Hold-outs #27
  • 8. Down Under #30
  • 9. [SoS] #15
  • 10. Huh #14

Top 25 Tribes
  • 1. Mera'din #125
  • 2. Factorio #125
  • 3. Two #20
  • 4. [C]arpe [D]iem #40
  • 5. Emanebirt #24
  • 6. an unidentified tribe #24
  • 7. [OG] Clint Eastwood #17
  • 8. 10100 #20
  • 9. [CD] ROM #40
  • 10. [OG] John McEnroe #17
  • 11. [C] to the mothereffing [D] #40
  • 12. [CD] Full #40
  • 13. Galloping Ghost #20
  • 14. Moonspear #20
  • 15. Shrimp on the Barbie #30
  • 16. Baba Yaga #20
  • 17. [OG] Vladimir Putin #17
  • 18. Xtr #24
  • 19. You can't see me #24
  • 20. White chocolate #31
  • 21. Crown #27
  • 22. Erstwhiled #24
  • 23. Vroengard #31
  • 24. Three #20
  • 25. I am not a #24

You can find the complete list of alliances here and tribes here

Mistro -

Congratulations to 20

and also to Mera'Din (you one tough SOB to kill)

A really good tight well contested age with multiple alliances in the mix throughout. Each using very different strats to get there. Well played all and TY for the age.

Sanzo -

I don’t even know what happened those last few minutes
It’s all a blur
Did anyone take a screenshot of their alliance news at least?

fear -

well played 40 and 24, one of the toughest age's I've put in for some time thank you and gongratz to everyone that played :)

h3 -

Good age guys!! Well played all.

Full -

Did try sanzo but when me look i saw me had take pic of my dick :)

Bongo -

did you have to put your easy reading glasses on to see that picture full?

Bongo -

there was a couple of late minute bounces here on 20... it looks like someone hit the unidentified tribe in 24... and yes the early death of all attackers except Meradin in 125 made it a weird age... never seen such big tribes with so little defense

Sanzo -

Usually when that happens, some TMs become unconventional attackers. But that didn’t really happen until the final day

Bongo -

made kills extremely challenging ... which i guess made it better for some... more frustrating for others.... nothing like running a calc for a kill and seeing you have to get a guy down to 7% homes to kill... we were all Balrogs that age...

Tommies -

I liked the fact we had 4 allies within the 70-80k land range last 24 hours. Made it really challanging.

Also interesting to see so many big tribes! Think the average tribe size of the game was a lot higher compared to other ages:)

WayHigh -

There were so many big tribes cuz all the attackers got killed early on almost all attackers that's why I decided to be the great owl attacker who lasted a few days and got killed

Kairon -

Fantastic age... congrats go meradin on surviving the whole age [:p] was great to see most of the active alliances hit 70k acres I can't say I've seen that before

Hal -

hey wayhigh, should have know it was you, good to see you around. for the record we weren't even trying to kill were just that overpumped [:p]

congrats to #20, really well fought out age. with the attacker purge i wish i played something remotely capable of converting to attacker

HaRRy -

Interesting until the end =)
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