
Final Rankings - Age 161

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Top 10 Alliances
  • 1. Loading pokedex.... #22
  • 2. Slackerville!!!! #125
  • 3. CB #40
  • 4. The Old Crew #20
  • 5. The last frontier #18
  • 6. Antarctica #11
  • 7. DOTTOB #13
  • 8. Mint #12
  • 9. DOTTED ( #25
  • 10. Active? #14

Top 25 Tribes
  • 1. Invisible #125
  • 2. Sneeuwwitje #20
  • 3. Chilly Willy #11
  • 4. Gengar #22
  • 5. BulbySore #22
  • 6. Slowbro #22
  • 7. Dragonite #22
  • 8. Hoppity hops #40
  • 9. Beerus #18
  • 10. Olivier B. Bommel #18
  • 11. 9 Beers, 2 Dealers #40
  • 12. Boris #13
  • 13. N00b of Beers #40
  • 14. Boring tribe #125
  • 15. Secondus #40
  • 16. Galarian Mirforsola #22
  • 17. dokiedokie #125
  • 18. Useless henchman #20
  • 19. Wizzz beer #40
  • 20. Resource Farm #20
  • 21. Neptune #18
  • 22. Oh well :[ #25
  • 23. Slackin McSlack #125
  • 24. but nice I killed your zelf gj #20
  • 25. Return of Burning #12

You can find the complete list of alliances here and tribes here

Mads -

Good age everyone. Was definitely a crazy one.
Oleg in 20 gj keeping me out and bc me and my alli to oblivion 😂 and having your thieves beat the ever loving crap out of our offense.

Noodle -

Nice age all, sry to those whom died along the way

Scotty -

Another whole age of concentration on not letting any one alliance rule the play. Nice watching people come from behind to take the top spot.

Sanzo -

Strange 22 was on top for basically the whole time

My fav part of the age was when the 13 Undead (Scotty’s multi) suicided on 125, b/c Scotty was panicking about 125 growing too much. Classic

Scotty -

Sanzo saying someone has a multi.. how classic.. turn me in ..what do undeads do.. throw an overpop train in and hope to hit into it and survive . Or they get dragged down by a uruk that's hungry..

Tommies -

That undead explored the whole age. There was zero reason for him to suicide like that. Also, there were easier targets with way less defense in his range to start off with.

Wonder who you mean by coming from behind and take the top. The only one who did that was the hobbit in 125 on personal success.

h3 -

Bulby is the gift that keeps on giving [heart]

Scotty -

oh yes he sure does....

Noodle -

Good job buffy

ScorpiAS -

no matter how long I am gone I somehow come back to the same drama :P. Is it that realistic to expect that people will eventually grow up and enjoy the competition and not the hate?

Scotty -

Yes the hobbit crushed us all..

Mirfors -

Not sure who the 13 undead was, but I will say that the suicide attack was a dumb play if it was meant to help us because (1) it fed our main competitor #125 more acres than it took from them, especially their Viking, and (2) it gave them a free war win with free market spoils and free fame.

To be fair, Bulby does have a suspect history of running multis, but if he were running the 13 undead, I would have expected him to have told us as an alliance that he “noticed” a new attack record so we could have eaten the 13 undead acres instead of 125 doing it.

The whole thing is sort of weird though, most people don't record hunt like I do, and that's the only thing I can think of as justification for that stupid play.

Scotty -

my history of multis was many years ago and done in retaliation of being hit by multis.. and daring to complain to the admin who was actually running them.. admin since gone.. I just showed him how i would run a multi and made 5 of them... hit small annoyances and deleted them.. If i would have noticed a suicide attack by anyone war or not i would have grabbed the acres myself..And one thing mirfors noted the suicide helped 125 didnt hurt them

Noodle -

I just don't pay it any heed anymore
I come back for the fun of it

Ful -

the only 2 in ork who keep whining are sanzo and babayage
every time again.
tommie you cheat yourself so keep your mouth shut

Ful -

always pointing at others and making others bad.
look at yourself drama queens

bloodball -

Ful - 45 minutes ago
always pointing at others and making others bad.
look at yourself drama queens

pot calling the kettle black. are you sure you do not complain? or do private messages not count?
Oh wait you don't complain, you swear, curse and (try to) belittle

Sanzo -

Full probably the biggest crybaby in all of ork lmao . And then whenever someone pushes back he says “stop cry” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Ful -

Me tolk in here about u guys not igame

bloodball -

sure, look at your fucking tribename you fucking waste of space

Scotty -

No need for getting that extreme.. we all are just waiting for changes

Mads -

Well I expect to be killed this age is all I can say 🤷‍♂️

Ful -

Kwaak kwaak

Noodle -

There won't be changes. No one even posts in development any more... [:(]

Old guy -

Is there a way we can agree on someone to help lead age changes again? Age changes really help to keep the game unique instead of the same strategies over and over again.
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