
Age 71 - Changes

Open Archived Moderator_Jamzi opened this discussion on

Moderator_Jamzi -

The changes for Age 71 are now mainly coded and a summary of the changes is below, further detail follows if you continue reading the post.

Age 71 will begin 7th Nov 01:00:00 and last until 5th Dec 00:59:59.

Gameplay changes
* Races going out of play for Age 71: Viking, Templar, Brittonian

* Races coming into play for Age 71: Uruk Hai, Owl, Oleg Hai

* Races that will be changed for Age 71: Uruk Hai, Owl, Oleg Hai, Light Elf, Dark Elf, Spirit (further detail below)

* Weaponries and Walls effectiveness will improve considerably during war only (they remain the same as now out of war).

*Wrath of Cyclops and Mystical Rust cast cost is increased.

Other changes:
* AatWAwards Questions updated

* a new short version of the CoC added and a few wording updates in the main document, therefore Age 71 will be an ideal time to reacquaint yourself with the game rules.

* 5 how-to video links added


Further detail behind the above changes:

Dark Elf
Race Spell - Abysmal Trance, Gain 200% mana regen for 2 to 4 ticks, but can't cast spells for the duration, gain 10% bonus spell damage after the tick the trance runs out.
+25% Mana Regen
+15% Mage Level -> +25% Mage Level

Light Elf
Failing intel operations does not generate tribe news on the target.
Waterborne: Your Arcane powers over water are a threat to any weapon known. Thus, you are considered a threat to any attacker. Mystical Rust deals 2x the damage per successful op

Basic, 40 cr -> 50 cr
OffSpec, 6/0 500 cr -> 2/0 200 cr

Oleg Hai

• Immune to recon
• 2 generals (can send out 2 separate armies)
• Resolve of the Rejected: Some disagree with your choice to go all or nothing and their scorn has only hardened your resolve in battle. Sending both generals gives 115% off, 130% land gains, 130% damage.
• Walls of Jericho: Immune to Cyclops and Mystical Rust

Class Off/Def Cost
Basic Gnome 0/0 50 cr
Off Wolfrider 8/0 750 cr
Def White Skull 0/7 700 cr
Elite Harpie 6/6 900 cr
Thief Thief 0/0 300 cr

Uruk Hai

• 3 hour attack time
• Inflicts 200% of normal military losses when attacking
• Vigilant Battler: You are hard to fool and harder to trick with surprise attacks and thus you are prepared for battle. 75% of normal military losses in combat, if its a retaliation attack.
• Rage: 5% offense bonus per consecutive attack up to a maximum of 15%. If your general remains home for 1 month, the bonus is reset to 0%. (Note: the first attack is without any bonus)

Class Off/Def Cost
Basic Pit Spawn 0/0 50 cr
Off Hill Troll 8/0 800 cr
Def Ogre Shaman 0/7 750 cr
Elite Half-Giant 10/4 1,250 cr
Thief Blackguard 0/0 250 cr

• 2 hour thievery return time, during war it's 1 hour return time.
• 75% of normal self op gains except Napanometry 100% rp production
• Ambush cost is 50% of normal
• Evasive Sting: Ambush claims 50% of the incoming land of the enemy and kills 3% of the opposing military units.

Class Off/Def Cost
Basic Nester 0/0 50 cr
Off Nightclaw 4/0 350 cr
Def Screecher 0/6 700 cr
Elite Eagle Owl 5/5 850 cr
Thief Swift Feather 0/2 200 cr
* the pre-built military will now receive 22000 def specs instead of 16500

Weap/wall function changes IN WAR.

Outside of war, both buildings works just as they do now. Attackers have plenty of opportunity to generate hostility as it is, there is no need to add to this.

In war, weap/wall changes.
CORE: # of weaps affects # of damage dealt on pillage, raze, and bc.
formula: buildings *(1-0.99^(u-3v))*(w/x)*(1+size/50000)

u = %weaps
v = %walls
w = attacker offense sent*
x = defender defense at home*
(w/x) cannot be more than 1.

- When attacking, each % of weaponries destroys 1% of buildings (so at 30% homes, 30*0.99=29.7% of homes left) barring the modifiers (everything after 0.99 in the formula). At 25% weaps, this equals 25 arsons. The formula should not calculate the amount of buildings destroyed based on the initial figure: so it should not be 30*0.75=22.5% homes left. Rather, it should be 30*0.99^25=23.33%. This assumes 25% weaps run.
- Players can run up to 100% of weaps.
- Weaps provide offense bonuses ONLY up to 25% (37.5% with combat sci, as was the case out of war)

- 1% walls negates 3% of weaps damaging effect on enemy attacks. 30*0.99^25=23.33% becomes 30*0.99^(y-3x) where y is % of weaps on attacker, x % of walls on defender. If x is bigger than y, no buildings are destroyed.
- Max 25% walls.
- Walls provide defense bonuses just as they did out of war.

These effects count on ALL destructive attacks: Pillage, Raze and BC.

- Damage in war changes to the formula described above (INSTEAD OF its usual destructive effects).
- These attacks no longer require the attacker to run more offense than the defender has defense to succeed.
- Raze still destroys homes.
- BC destroys Academies, Hideouts and Guilds.
- Pillage destroys Farms,Labs, Mines and Yards.
- All three attacks require a 2 hour cooldown period after the army has returned (general returns 2 hours later).

BC change:
- BC now only destroys academies. 15% OOW, damage according to the new formula in war.
- Pillage still destroys all four. Don't run 4 income buildings in war.

Combat sci explanation:
the weap/wall bonus only affects offense/defense, not the actual building damage.
Combat sci only affects army return time.

Spell Update
- Mystical Rust and Wrath of Cyclops now cost the same to cast as Wrath of Xene (and Meteor Storm, and Earthquake).

Smokey -

Oleg just had a big FU to Light Elves

bloodball -


Reyes -

Not that spirits usually use off specs but Damn that's a massive cut on off lol

Bulby -

always neutering the thief/mage attack units lately...why is this ??

Rudy -

Who will train 2/0 units? Either remove the units or find a way to make them useable. I don't understand why each races has 4 type of military units when tribes only train 2/4.

Rudy -

Maybe the 2/0 units could alsobe used as a thieving unit and because of the 2 attack they do more dmg per successful op or they could gather more resources per op? Idk just a suggestion.

Blind -

Might as well set the Spirits offspec as 0/0 for 1T cr instead of making them into noobtraps

I haven't been keeping track but it seems you can void Elendian off Light Elves?
Doesn't that make them extremely easy to kill?

Combat Sci, I suppose it means Combat Sci doesn't affect generals?
Asking since General Available isn't actually a thing in the Actions-Invade page

Bulby -

how about some polls of existing players before neutering of all the races? It doesnt seem as all the recent changes are flooding the game with new players...

Smokey -

So bc doesn't kill thieves now?

Old guy -

I am confused

Bolle -

@Bulby the goal of these changes is not to bring in new players, but rather to improve the game.

If we attracted players and then started implementing all these changes, that would be more likely to make them leave. So we reverse the order.

To further clarify, the weaps/walls change is a fundamental change that I personally hope will rearrange the t/m/a balance (make it more equal).
The race changes are intended to make races more different and thus to make it more rewarding to play for multiple ages. These race changes are mostly Gits' ideas, with input by me.
In the future we may further condense the races (keeping 20 balanced is tough). This won't necessarily mean removing those races AND their traits; it is possible the traits can be used to make the races even more diverse.

I hope this post helped explain the motives behind these changes. Feel free to criticize or ask questions.

Gits -

While some of you have actual “make sense” comments/complaints regarding the off spec to some TM's, we can't remove it completely, so leave that alone for now as we won't change it, maybe later but we got more important shit to worry about.

The off spec was lowered some more than others due to it making sense being lowered. Some complained about it ages ago and now some complaining now. What do u all want all TM off specs at 3/0? 4/0? Would that make y'all happier?

The point was to lower them to actually provide the real benefit to the race, let it be Def spec/Elite/Thief. As I said I agree it makes no sense to have a off spec on a TM if it won't be used by the average player. Now if a player still wants to use an off spec, then that will be his prerogative and no one can change that. An example, there was a LE a week ago 1.5k or so with about 350k off or so. That was his choice. Was it stupid? Probably but still his choice.

Now, to answer blind's question regarding the LE being so easily kill-able, guess will find out won't we? Pick them blind and let me know how it turns out. FYI, the LE can now be used as a hybrid thief/mage. In case you haven't noticed.

All races have been already been checked and initial changes have been made to adjust for the weps/walls scenario, although we aren't changing them all at once. An example, the UD will change but not until we remove it out of play and bring it back in and it's changes are already been approved and in the pipeline but not until we remove it out of play.

For us to see how well these changes work during war or regular play we need players to test them to include our own staff. Until then it's only a matter of seeing what might actually work or won't.

We can't have everyone agreeing to races changes, shit I was a big stickler of that and now that I am in place to actually help and do something about it, I am seeing the bigger picture and hence why I ask Bolle alot of questions along with inputs if I am not sure. We also have alot of other things in motion but we only got so many weeks to work on stuff, have dialogue, have Max make changes so be patient, things are going in motion more than before. Now, if some of you don't agree, no worries blame my ass. Just remember one thing, we didn't have this much change for ages and now y'all complaining? lol Crazy.. [heart]

Reyes -

spirits off specs if anything should go from 6/0 ~ 500cr to 3/0 ~ 250cr but then wouldnt you have to also nerf their elites? 6/3 ~ 750cr to 5/4 ~ 600cr? idk just a thought

Gits -

Ummmm, I guess we wanted to let the spirit be a tri-brid for now?[:|]

Reyes -

a tri-brid lol as i said it was just a thought [up]

Smokey -

Solution: Remove Race: Spirit

michelob -

Big spirits are going to have to save a lot longer to buy elites vs off spec, no change really needed.

Bulby -

lol smokey and his hate of spirits... i say make the elites of the thief/mage high offense and defense like some of the attacking races... but make them expensive as well.

Gits -

Truthfully, the spirit is fine as it is atm, no real chage is needed. It's best asset is a thief, that is its main role. If a player doesn't to be a thief then he can go attacker with leets.

We have so many more races to actually balance, with how weps/walls work now during war and trying to implent other things, than worrying about making a spirit a full tri-brid.

k-man -

Honestly, I think things are getting way too complicated when they should be simplified. The KISS principle should be applied. People want easy. Being a solely text based game you're already limiting the player base. Further further complicating it will not help that.

Bolle -

What is complex? The races? These are supposed to be a little bit more complex because they form the stuff players can mostly strategize with.

If you mean weaps/walls... these are complex because you were shown the whole formula. I could also tell it to you in an easy way:

- Attackers now require weaps to deal damage.
- They can now deal shitloads of damage
- 1% walls blocks 3% weaps. This gives attackers a rather unique dynamic cuz it differs from the GH/CH 3% op block.

Or to make it even easier:

- To deal damage as attacker, run weaps and be at war!

Bulby -

hard to war with all the small alliances out there...force everyone in a full alliance... give them a week to make the alliance of theirr own choice then force everyone into alliances that will help propagate wars...the only major wars in last two weeks were 24 and 14..

Gits -

U mean the last 2 ages.

Sangez -

Uruk! [:D][:D][heart]

k-man -

- When attacking, each % of weaponries destroys 1% of buildings (so at 30% homes, 30*0.99=29.7% of homes left) barring the modifiers (everything after 0.99 in the formula). At 25% weaps, this equals 25 arsons. The formula should not calculate the amount of buildings destroyed based on the initial figure: so it should not be 30*0.75=22.5% homes left. Rather, it should be 30*0.99^25=23.33%. This assumes 25% weaps run.
- Players can run up to 100% of weaps.
- Weaps provide offense bonuses ONLY up to 25% (37.5% with combat sci, as was the case out of war)

- 1% walls negates 3% of weaps damaging effect on enemy attacks. 30*0.99^25=23.33% becomes 30*0.99^(y-3x) where y is % of weaps on attacker, x % of walls on defender. If x is bigger than y, no buildings are destroyed.
- Max 25% walls.
- Walls provide defense bonuses just as they did out of war.

These effects count on ALL destructive attacks: Pillage, Raze and BC.

Things like this, on top of a guide that reads like a novel. Do you really expect new players to read a mountain of material and keep their interest in the game? Admittedly, detailed information about the game and it's functions needs to be accessible somewhere. I just think a condensed, simplified version would be more appealing to new players. The underlying problem with this game is the low player base. Changes, while required, in some cases at least. Aren't addressing that issue. In fact, changes like bringing back age resets have the opposite effect. I know of at least two players leaving due to that change alone. Two players may no seem like a big deal but these are people who have played for years. Hell, one even played classic.
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