
Age 71 - Changes

Open Archived Moderator_Jamzi opened this discussion on

Gits -

It was said age starts on the 7th or 9th.

Sanzo -

Quote: Kelvin
What is the auto fail rate for attackers? :P

This is exactly why it's so OP [8)]

Bolle -

the auto fail rate is inherent in the attacked's walls %. This is exactly why attackers suck so much. 15% walls shut them down every time. Like, fully. The whole 100% of their damage output.

Sanzo -

No Bolle
The weaponries bonus is just that, it's a bonus.
They still do roughly 8 arsons worth of damage with raze

Bolle -

- Damage in war changes to the formula described above (INSTEAD OF its usual destructive effects).

Reyes -

when will grasshopper be making its mighty return?[up]

max -

Age 71 changes now live! Sorry for the delay

Del -

This is apparently broken because I was running 20% weaps and got no buildings on a full WM mage...

Lyr -

Maybe the mage had a few walls? [:D]

Del -

Yes he did why does that matter?

Lyr -

- 1% walls negates 3% of weaps damaging effect on enemy attacks. 30*0.99^25=23.33% becomes 30*0.99^(y-3x) where y is % of weaps on attacker, x % of walls on defender. If x is bigger than y, no buildings are destroyed.
- Max 25% walls.
- Walls provide defense bonuses just as they did out of war.

So if he have, for example, 5% walls, they negates 15% weaponries.

Sanzo -

i swear no one reads the age changes :/

Desertfox -

Lol I did but it does go to show how some people can be confused and miss/glaze over details

Vo -

Neither the guide nor the wiki reflect the raze changes, so if you just recently started you're out there razing for zero buildings in war unless you happened to decide to read the change log for ages prior [cry]

Del -

I was gone sanzo. Also what about someone new? Also I find it funny that running a tiny amount of walls makes you untouchable to an attacker... let me get some TM def as an attacker like that then... [8)]
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