
Age 71 - Changes

Open Archived Moderator_Jamzi opened this discussion on

Gits -

I think that was more to do, because it wanted to be explained in detail to the vets that 90 percent are atm. Personally, I see your point but it should be removed and simplified in terms later on that ain't hard for Max to due.

As far as people leaving because of resets, that is pretty stupid reason. Shit if they would have said due to the playerbase I would have understood but resets? With resets it will give every ally an even playing field. Only thing they would need is players. Shit, did I say players? Dang, does that mean that players have to be active during an age? Does that mean that small allies or solo tribes can't grow?

There are positives and negatives to resets and infinity. As Jam had said we are going to switch to resets if it turns out that it don't work out, we will then turn back to infinity. Consider it a test for a few ages.

Personally, if someone wants to leave. Fuck it go ahead, we can't keep everyone happy. My idea for a solo age, draft age or downgrading to a lower ally base got shot down because it was a 50/50 split or so I was told... Why? Because people were more worried about staying with friends than than having fun and creating more competition. Now people complaining the same shit I have always been complaining about, lack of competition. Wtf understands these dudes lol [heart]

Moderator_Jamzi -

k-man - I am completely in agreement with you over the KISS principle (Keep It Simple Stupid for those of you who have not come across that). I know we're not near it yet but i do think we're getting closer. That is 100% my number one goal as I agree, the game for a long time has become way more complicated than it needs to be to be fun and actually takes away fun for everyone apart from a hardcore minority. Over time, more and more bumpft has been added and now the waters are a bit muddy.

I hope these changes are the start of restoring the balance between interest and KISS however as I know they were made with that in mind as it is like a mantra in staff lately.

We have been making some steps towards simplifying and that's why we reduced the races to 9 (and are working to get each with unique selling points rather than 20 with random mixed-up traits). Simple version of the CoC and we are also bringing out video tutorials to quickly assist players (no longer than 3 mins each) and trying to simplify in many other ways. Of course this is not easy as on the other hand we are trying not to make it too simple.. we're in a period of change at the moment, it's not easy but we are trying to head towards a balance between the two elements of KISS and interest.

Bringing back resets was just a decision for fun of ourselves, it probably doesn't matter one way or the other whether we do resets or infinity, some people like one, some like the other. We just had to choose one before we advertise and that's what we went for. It's always a shame when we lose any players but the good news is that I myself will replace one of them and I know of at least 2 other people who will come back for Resets, so I think the end result will at least be the same as now. It might be selfish but currently i don't have motivation to play and with resets I feel quite excited and this gives me more motivation to do the work I am doing so I voted for that. I know it wouldn't be everyone's choice but not many things seem to work for everyone unfortunately [;)]

Moderator_Jamzi -

p.s. the guide is a good point, god knows where i will start but i will have a look if there is anything i can do. If you have some more ideas of how we can scale things back and simplify then please let me know as maybe i am losing sight of the big picture now i am entrenched in the detail but that was my original goal too.

Bolle -

@k-man, your point was raised by Gits as well. I decided to include the information for the benefit of the wiki, which is a great source of information on game mechanics.

The announcement is not intended to be a guide.

Sanzo -

Quote: k-man
Do you really expect new players to read a mountain of material and keep their interest in the game?

Well how else are we supposed to understand what the age changes do?!
If staff were to say, “hey now arson deals more damage,” wouldn't you want to know how much more? [8)]
I know hardar would want to know the information so he could update his kill calc, the rest of us casuals can just be lazy and use the tools that other players make :/

With that said, I have a question, it may have been answered already but here goes:

- When attacking, each % of weaponries destroys 1% of buildings

This is quite vague. Does this mean all buildings? Or is it a % bonus specific to attack type (like 1% weps gives 1% more damage)??

Gits -

Depends what type of attack you do. If you raze, then more homes will be trashed, ect ect. More powerful attackers are, the force everywhere it is.

Bolle -


It means the targeted building (so homes for Raze).
It is not a % bonus specific to attack type (1% weps gives 1% more damage).
It is the actual damage: 1% weaps = 1% of buildings destroyed. So with 100 buildings and being attacked by a guy with 1% weaps, you end up with 99 buildings.

Sanzo -

Y'all don't think that's OP?
An Oleg can now double raze someone and take out nearly half of someone's homes [8)]

Gits -

An oleg would ha e to be big against med or small tribes. Remember walls negates a percentage of weps and all this is during war.

Bolle -

I don't think that's OP.

I think Oleg might be OP [;)]

Sanzo -

Currently a 100% raze takes out the equivalent of 8 arsons or DMs adding 25 to that makes it really OP

I was happy when you finally got rid of markets, but now it seems I will have to keep 8% walls all age. Boring

Gits -

Depends on strategy, I rather not go in detail but it's all about strategy now and picking your battles of course.

Bolle -

I was happy when you finally got rid of markets, but now it seems I will have to keep 8% walls all age. Boring

Just like you have to keep 15% CH/GH all game. Boring.

Yes, attackers deal more damage. But they fully depend on war for it now.
Also, the current setup deals quite heavy damage but is easily countereable by using walls. Choosing the number 3 (negates 3% weaps) was a bit of a safe bet on my side. I think we might end up at 2 in a few ages.

EDIT: Also,

Spell Update
- Mystical Rust and Wrath of Cyclops now cost the same to cast as Wrath of Xene (and Meteor Storm, and Earthquake).

I noticed this missed an explanation. The cost of these spells almost doubled.

k-man -

When are the races being brought in for age 71 available, at the beginning of age 71 or in between ages?

Moderator_Jamzi -

Max will answer ;)

max -

“in between ages” is gone, so the changes will hopefully be uploaded a few minutes after age 71 starts.

Gits -

Just an update. After Blind's catch regarding the LE's trait about not being able to be MV'd.

Bolle and myself agreed that it was in the best interest to reinstate it. This will be effective starting age 71. Max is doing us the favor to code it back. Thanks Blind for the catch. [up]

Sanzo -

Another question about the weaponries:

Does race modifier damage get counted? For example if an Oleg had 130% damage and 25% weps, does that mean s/he does 32.5 (25*1.3) Arsons worth of damage?
I like that attackers can now do good damage in war, I just think it is too much [;)]

Bolle -

all modifiers affect the base.

So oleg deal +30% damage and +25% damage, so 155 in total rather than 1.3*1.25=1.625 (so 162.5)

I think you may well be right about attackers being too good now, but the 3% reduction on walls is also quite brutal.

I predict (I can make predictions come true! yay!) that the formula will get a reduction whereas walls will only negate 2% weaps.

Smokey -

Don't forget you can run up to 100% weps.

Gits -

If u do u are dead...

Bulby -

yes olegs with 25% weaps could deal awesome damage but without good thief/mage def vulnerable themselves...

Gits -

correct, it's a risk. Hence, same with TM's as well. They don't get walls and there are attackers, be prepared.

Kelvin -

What is the auto fail rate for attackers? :P

k-man -

longest age end ever!!
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