
Age 46 changes

Closed Archived Bolle opened this discussion on

Sonix -

Where did u get 350 from? :s

I guess u wouldnt be.happy if they chamged templars when u where playing them..

No reason for the 350 dpa thing. [8)] Also, I was a mori hai when mori hais where changed mid age and I overslept and didn't get to change my buildings so because of a couple hours of oversleeping I lost a lot of def, the extra citizens from markets and barracks, a bunch of units due to lack of funds b/c I lost all the way but 4k citizens due to lack of food. I'm sure a lot of other MHs weren't too pleased w/ losing some def too.

I've been on the recieving end before and it wasn't much problem training extra b/c I had a heads up. I just wanted to milk the free food [;)] as long as I could but I overslept and ended up losing pretty much all the extra units I had trained [:s].

Tashi -

supposedly 12h after your general leaves you die. i don't know about your case.

Yay! I went a whole 24 hours w/o a general [up].

Cecil -

before player base dropped below a certain level the average effective dpa was around 350, for some time now its been between 375 and up to low 400s, by reducing effeciency of certain races members of staff believe it will drop back to this level

Frisbee -

Well the problem with the game is that when the new players start the tribe the cant do a thing for a long time.

Cecil -

they need to be shown a better build then, and all games have a grinding period

VorteX -

lol Cecil. It's not the average DPA that has dropped, but belonging to a slacking alliance which other players do not see as a threat anymore and who will not hesitate attacking it. The average DPA is still 350 above 2k acres, running 300 DPA is normal for explorers who don't see any threats around them. know the difference!

Kelvin -

I'm running 500+ dpa and I still get some soontobedead bastards :P

Bolle -

Go warmode, you can solokill them.

Kelvin -

That's what I meant with my last words ;)

Twinnie -

since when does research reduce exploration cost? XD

Bolle -

It doesn't? I mean, did I add that AGAIN to the crowns cost?

yes I did [8)]

Bolle -

1% ECONOMICS gives 0.25% lower crown costs for exploring (in accordance with the lower training costs)

Quote from last age's changes, but it hasn't been properly filed anywhere. I'll update the guide right away [;)]

Twinnie -

pfft 25% only gives u a 6% discount... n00000000000000000b

Bolle -

no, it's similar to the military training cost reduction [;)]

Pollito -

Woooooo 6% discount!!!! (why such a huge bonus :o )

Bolle -

explorers spend their cash on military and explores, attackers spend it on military. Why should attackers benefit more from economics sci than explorers?

Twinnie -

where is the selective sci investing option? XD

shorty416 -

doesn't that 6% apply to crown costs, population needed to send, and defense required to send per acre?

Mr. Snow -

didnt britt have double population or was that one of the changes when they came back into play??

Sonix -

They lost it after the changes along with other things. They've been completley changed :P.

Bolle -

1% less citizen & defence required for exploring

25% less citz/def required for explore.
6.25% less exploration costs.

sanzi -

Let's just make everything free but make races less efficient

Mr. Snow -

[up] i like that - awwww i want double pop. back[cry]

Mr. Snow -

with the dragon military change if you were already a dragon and at say 1.8k would you keep the same military but their strength would be changed?

Frisbee -

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