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Age 46 changes
Closed Archived Bolle opened this discussion on
Mr. Snow -
![Happy [:D]](/pics/emoticons/smiley-lol.png)
Amir -
any idea on the time table of when the changes will be uploaded?
Mr. Snow -
can i just ask why is the dragon money income so small im getting 35k every tick and its not fair cause u pretty much have to wait a week before you can train any military plus the citz u cant buy any in the market its not a balanced race i say drop its cost then so that its equivelent to the money income or something like that
Sonix -
Well since 4 dragons made it to 10k+ before they got to the age of like 80, I have to disagree w/ you. Here are some calculations.
Dragon Def specs are 10/40 for 900 cr. and 60/15 for 1450 cr. Since they have 20% citizens and 20% production, for them 900 cr. is the same as 4500 cr. for an average tribe w/ no penalties and 1450 crs is the same as 7250 cr for an average tribe w/ no penalties, so:
assuming no citi/production penality
- 10/40 4500 cr.
- 60/15 7250 cr.
If we check out how much they are paying per point we do 4500/(10+40) = 90 crs per 1 point. 7250/(60+15) = 96.667 crs per point.
Cost per point
- 90 crs. per point (def spec)
- 96.667 per point (elite)
Now if we compare that to say Uruk Hais, 0/7 for 700 crs and 10/4 for 1300 crs which is 100 crs per point (def spec) and 92.8 crs per point (off spec).
Basically they are cheaper per point than uruk hai's are. Only races that are a lot less efficient are probably cheaper than dragon units. (Def specs get more expensive and Elites lose 5 attack after the changes though).
Dragon Def specs are 10/40 for 900 cr. and 60/15 for 1450 cr. Since they have 20% citizens and 20% production, for them 900 cr. is the same as 4500 cr. for an average tribe w/ no penalties and 1450 crs is the same as 7250 cr for an average tribe w/ no penalties, so:
assuming no citi/production penality
- 10/40 4500 cr.
- 60/15 7250 cr.
If we check out how much they are paying per point we do 4500/(10+40) = 90 crs per 1 point. 7250/(60+15) = 96.667 crs per point.
Cost per point
- 90 crs. per point (def spec)
- 96.667 per point (elite)
Now if we compare that to say Uruk Hais, 0/7 for 700 crs and 10/4 for 1300 crs which is 100 crs per point (def spec) and 92.8 crs per point (off spec).
Basically they are cheaper per point than uruk hai's are. Only races that are a lot less efficient are probably cheaper than dragon units. (Def specs get more expensive and Elites lose 5 attack after the changes though).
Smokey -
Mr snow, as a dragon, you need to be active and raid targets for income every 3 ticks/turns to suppliment your limited tax income via population. Make the resource farm list your best friend.
Mr. Snow -
hahahaha ok - but what about the shit citz? you should atleast start with 15k cause i have ABOUT 5k-+ and i dont like it the only reason i have gone dragon is because we needed a strong attacker - can u make it so dragons earn a bit more money off a starting point of 500 acres? like i started my tribe last night about 4pm and got back on 1 hour ago and i had 500k crs and i thought wtf?? why so little money?
shorty416 -
if you raid and steal 200k every three hours on average thats 1.6 mil a day how many troops can you train at that rate? the growth rate is fine for dragons
Sonix -
The citizens are fine because you take reduced damgae on buildings and citizens. Also, like everyone said, constant raiding is the answer for dragons. 200k crowns is so much more effective for dragons and balrogs than for every other attacker.
Dragons just require a lot of patience and activity at the beginning but when u get the dice rolling they're nearly impossible to kill and quite awesome.
Dragons just require a lot of patience and activity at the beginning but when u get the dice rolling they're nearly impossible to kill and quite awesome.
Cecil -
the problem is is that mr snow doesnt want to be active and raid
![Tongue [:p]](/pics/emoticons/smiley-razz.png)
robokop -
Age changes will be uploaded between 11 and 12 ST tomorrow (so 24h from now)
Frisbee -
Even the changes on templars?
robokop -
Quote: “Bolle”
The changes to the units of Templar and Dragon will be implemented on July 7th. We will consider giving crowns to people losing a lot of defense due to this.
The changes to the units of Templar and Dragon will be implemented on July 7th. We will consider giving crowns to people losing a lot of defense due to this.
These changes will wait :)
my3l00u -
Thx Robokop !! We miss you
Smokey -
![Thumbs up [up]](/pics/emoticons/thumb-up.png)
Amir -
ya we miss you Robokop!!
Pollito -
Amiralla is that you?
Amir -
hehhee :)
yup thats me.
yup thats me.
robokop -
and the changes are live!
Mr. Snow -
@ cecil i have no problem being active im just not used to raiding unless we were in a war because i always had a big income but ill adjust - thanks robokop
![Happy [:D]](/pics/emoticons/smiley-lol.png)
Frisbee -
Will the Templars get the money or not?
Bolle -
Yes, templars will receive 100 crowns for each Seraphim they own. These crowns will also be put into the market so you will not get raided.
Mr. Snow -
what time will the changes for dragon and templar start?
Frisbee -
Tomorrow around 17 i hope :p
Mr. Snow -
ok ill be online then
![Tongue [:p]](/pics/emoticons/smiley-razz.png)
nightbird -
paladins or seraphim's?
seraphim's are the one who get changed and not paladins i guess
seraphim's are the one who get changed and not paladins i guess