
Cursed Mage

These accursed demons of shadow and flame have been sealed away from the lands of Orkfia for aeons. The magic that has bound them is broken, and they have been unleashed upon the world. None who live now remember their terrifying strength nor could know who would be responsible for their freedom.

Racial Abilities

  • 15% homes allowed
  • -50% gains from draft
  • Homes hold 300 citizens, barracks hold 50 citizens, others hold 5 citizens
  • Farms produce 50% of normal
  • 1 mana instantly replenished per 20 raw defence killed in combat when attacking
  • Academies count as weaponries up to a 30% cap. Cannot build weaponries.
  • Taxes: +25%
  • Starting Money: -25%

Military Units

Class Off/Def Cost
Basic Damned Soul 0/0 100 cr
Off Dread Beast 14/0 1,000 cr
Def Occultist 0/14 1,200 cr
Elite Demon 16/9 1,700 cr
Thief Imp 0/0 250 cr


Human Thief

Ordinary looking, life is cheap and thieves' dens are two-a-penny in a Brittonian tribe. War is when a Britt really shines, quick wits and even quicker fingers enable them to use skills passed down for generations to stash resources for later use. Up to no good? You bet your life they are!

Racial Abilities

  • Homes hold 400 citizens, Hideouts hold 50 citizens
  • Each building destroyed by thievery yields 6000 crowns
  • Exploring costs 115% of normal crowns
  • Ready to go: +25% starting money

Military Units

Class Off/Def Cost
Basic Thug 0/0 75 cr
Off Highwayman 4/0 425 cr
Def Lawyer 0/4 450 cr
Elite Marauder 2/7 1,400 cr
Thief Rogue 1/0 100 cr

Dark Elf

Elf Mage

What is darker than a Dark Elf? Not much... the terrifying power gained through study of the dark arts has twisted these elves into pure evil. Wicked magic is their specialty, combine this with their extraordinary magic skill and you have the very best race for offensive magic.

Racial Abilities

  • Natural Mages: Academies gives 50% more Mage Level
  • Selfish: Cannot cast alliance spells on allies
  • Evil Worship: Increased success rate for dark spells
  • Priest defence bonus: +100%
  • Temples count as 1/2 Guilds (mana storage and regen) and hold additional citizens

Military Units

Class Off/Def Cost
Basic Slinger 0/0 75 cr
Off Nightstalker 4/0 375 cr
Def Sorcerer 0/4 325 cr
Elite Nightrider 2/6 700 cr
Thief Assassin 0/0 275 cr


Human Attacker

They might be short but they sure are mighty! Dwarves are keen warriors and flexible tribespeople. Building and mining skills honed through the generations ensure they are the quickest of all races to convert from growth/war/defensive builds, the little people are very versatile and quick to react.

Racial Abilities

  • Cannot build Homes
  • All buildings hold 90 citizens, Mines hold 140
  • 2 months construction time
  • Explore costs: +25% crowns
  • Ready to go: +20% starting money

Military Units

Class Off/Def Cost
Basic Grunt 1/0 100 cr
Off Hammer Smasher 5/0 280 cr
Def Mortar Team 0/7 875 cr
Elite Grey Beard 8/3 1,200 cr
Thief Short Cloak 0/0 250 cr


Winged Thief

Long revered by many cultures, Eagles have a magical quality that has evolved into magical ability. Many will hunt them, thinking they see weakness, many will fail... an eagle's defensive abilities are second to none.

Racial Abilities

  • 50% chance to elude non-winged attackers
  • Guilds count as 1/4 a hideout for thievery plans
  • Hideouts count as 1/4 a guild for mana
  • Hideouts and guilds hold 40 citizens
  • Exploring costs 120% of normal crowns
  • Casting Winds of Distress lasts 2 months instead of 1

Military Units

Class Off/Def Cost
Basic Nester 0/0 50 cr
Off Emesen 1/0 100 cr
Def Vendo 0/5 450 cr
Elite Anekonian 2/8 1,150 cr
Thief Razorbeak 0/2 275 cr


Winged Mage

Hard to see with the naked eye, this race is pure goodness. You're in luck if a Fairy is on your side as they are the only race that is able to cast "self-spells" on allies. Useful in team strategies and the saviour of many of their friends, it really is time to believe in Fairies!

Racial Abilities

  • Healer: cast self-spells on allies (race specific spells excluded)
  • Mage level increased by 0.005% per fame over 5000 (Max 100%)
  • Cost of dark spells is decreased by 0.002% per fame over 5000 (Max 30%)
  • Fairy only spell: Divine Intervention
  • Alliance spell duration 200% of normal.

Military Units

Class Off/Def Cost
Basic Sprite 0/0 50 cr
Off Succubus 6/0 750 cr
Def Fairy Godfather 0/5 475 cr
Elite Fay Queen 1/6 725 cr
Thief Nymph 0/1 300 cr

High Elf

Elf Attacker

A handsome race but don't they know it! Vanity combined with a talent for social manipulation means that famous High Elves use the influence they gain to reach their goals, regardless of the cost to their enemies. The HE troops use the magic of their ancient ancestors to grant themselves immortality ahead of their planned attacks.

Racial Abilities

  • Vanity: Each point of fame gives 0.001% more damage dealt and land gained on attacks (max 50%)
  • +100% fame gained on attacks
  • Longbowmen are immortal
  • Priestesses are immortal
  • Rogues are immortal

Military Units

Class Off/Def Cost
Basic Slinger 0/0 60 cr
Off Sage 5/1 400 cr
Def Longbowmen 0/6 600 cr
Elite Priestess 8/8 1,350 cr
Thief Rogue 0/0 300 cr


Human Thief

A Hobbit friend is a friend for life, these short but big-hearted people will help you when you need it most. As well as having the fastest thieves, this is the only race that can provide aid to alliance mates. The Hobbit’s tendency for feasting can be a burden however as they will eat you out of house and home!

Racial Abilities

  • -1 month thief return time (2 months thief return time)
  • Able to provide aid to Human allies via Weather's Light and Templu Amblo (with 40% normal gains)
  • +50% food consumption
  • Farms hold 150 citizens
  • Cannot build Barracks
  • Hwighton Raid damage: +100%

Military Units

Class Off/Def Cost
Basic Dimwit 0/0 100 cr
Off Snecklifter 4/0 250 cr
Def Flibbertigibbert 0/4 300 cr
Elite Mugwump 0/7 1,050 cr
Thief Snollygoster 0/2 275 cr

Light Elf

Elf Mage

This enigmatic race of elves has arrived in the world of Orkfia from the divine realms beyond. Little is known of them, and they claim nor volunteer nothing of themselves, though their serene grace seems unfathomably ancient. Beings more spiritual than physical, they both excel in the arcane arts and are vulnerable to them.

Racial Abilities

  • Elendian, Matawaska, Lord of Harvest and Quanta give +50% bonus instead of +10%
  • Immune to Magical Void
  • Mines and yards produce 150% of normal
  • Exploring costs 170% of normal crowns
  • Construction costs are 170% of normal crowns
  • Waterborne: Mystical Rust deals 100% more damage
  • Ready to go: +50% starting money

Military Units

Class Off/Def Cost
Basic Acolyte 0/0 100 cr
Off Maia 4/0 500 cr
Def Istar 0/3 300 cr
Elite Valar Scion 4/5 1,050 cr
Thief Scout 0/0 275 cr

Mori Hai

Ork Thief

An evolved form of Ork, what they lost of their brute force they gained in cunning, finding new ways to use homes in clever ways. With more citizens at their disposal and a near constant supply of thief plans, the resilient Mori tribe leader is able to quickly order retaliation in various guises.

Racial Abilities

  • 3 month attack time
  • Pop boost: 45% homes allowed
  • Homes give thief plans (1 Home = 1/2 Hideout)
  • Exploring costs 120% of normal crowns
  • -60% thief loses on operations

Military Units

Class Off/Def Cost
Basic Gnome 0/0 75 cr
Off Goblin 4/0 350 cr
Def Engineer 0/5 475 cr
Elite Mountain Ogre 5/5 1,050 cr
Thief Assassin 4/1 465 cr


Cursed Attacker

Soulless creatures experimented on with evil necromancy, the Nazgul believe their “curse” to be a gift. The Nazgul have strong resistances due to the ancient curse placed on them.

Racial Abilities

  • 2 month attack time
  • 33% chance of attacks not showing in alliance news
  • Immune to Sneak
  • Raid minimum citizens killed increased by 1/3
  • 25% thievery immunity
  • 25% magic immunity

Military Units

Class Off/Def Cost
Basic Soulless 0/0 50 cr
Off Black Rider 4/0 300 cr
Def Numen 0/7 700 cr
Elite Wraith 6/4 900 cr
Thief Shadow 0/0 300 cr

Oleg Hai

Ork Attacker

Also known by the common name of "trolls", the Oleg Hai spawn warriors bred for battle. If that weren't bad enough, they easily regenerate from Destruction-charged violence, which makes killing a troll for good something of a legendary feat. Naturally greedy, they sometimes overextend to conquer and dominate. Fortunately for them, harpies provide the brains behind the brawn, when they can be found and bribed at least.

Racial Abilities

  • Immune to Recon
  • 2 generals (can send out 2 separate armies)
  • Resolve of the Rejected: Some disagree with your choice to go all or nothing and their scorn has only hardened your resolve in battle. Sending both generals gives +10% offence, +25% land gains, and +25% damage.
  • Harpies are mercenary units
    • Can be trained instantly from citizens
    • As much as 40% of total population can be trained as Harpies
    • Can only be used for attacking the first month they are trained
    • Disband 4 months after being trained
    • Are less expensive as the tribe expands
  • Ready to go: +20% starting money

Military Units

Class Off/Def Cost
Basic Gnome 0/0 50 cr
Off Wolfrider 7/0 700 cr
Def White Skull 0/8 800 cr
Merc Harpie 3/2 300 cr
Thief Thief 0/0 300 cr


Winged Thief

The wise birds of the night. At least they were. The moon temples disturbed their sense of day and night and now they have changed their sleep and hunt schedule.

Racial Abilities

  • 1 month thievery return time
  • 40% gains of self operations
  • Takes 40% less damage from Juranimosity
  • Cannot perform Thieves Trap

Military Units

Class Off/Def Cost
Basic Nester 0/0 40 cr
Off Nightclaw 4/0 350 cr
Def Screecher 0/5 500 cr
Elite Long Brow 6/8 1,150 cr
Thief Swift Feather 0/4 450 cr


Winged Attacker

Silent but oh so violent. Highly intelligent birds lurking in the shadows, their blackened wings give the advantage of extreme speed. This is no birdwatching outing and the flock is hard to see until it's too late.

Racial Abilities

  • 1 month attack time, general requires 1 month extra to recover on Standard, Raid, Pillage and Commandeer
  • 1 month retreat time, but general need 1 month extra to recover
  • Deal 25% reduced damage on attacks including military losses for the defender
  • Clear a Permimeter: -50% gains
  • Homes hold 350 citizens
  • -40% losses for Blackwings when attacking and defending

Military Units

Class Off/Def Cost
Basic Nester 0/0 25 cr
Off Blackclaw 3/0 160 cr
Def Razorwing 0/6 625 cr
Elite Blackwing 5/5 975 cr
Thief Screecher 0/0 275 cr

Rept Hai

Ork Attacker

The cold, calculating Lizardfolk are Orks who took to the swampy regions of Orkfia and acquired reptilian features. They have tamed many terrifying beasts for their army with virulent venom and deadly gazes. Most fearsome of all however is their brilliant military tactics.

Racial Abilities

  • Cause 250% of normal military losses to attackers when defending
  • Cunning: 1% offence bonus per month your general has stayed home since his last attack, with a maximum bonus of 15%.

Military Units

Class Off/Def Cost
Basic Hatchling 0/0 50 cr
Off Wyvern Rider 6/0 420 cr
Def Basilisk 0/7 675 cr
Elite Hydra 9/4 1,050 cr
Thief Gorgon 0/0 300 cr


Cursed Thief

All that remains from the cursed souls of the Nazgul, who are now presumed to be extinct. You cannot see or hear a Spirit but their presence becomes known in other ways. Their lack of physical form could be a disability but used correctly, can be positive in many ways.

Racial Abilities

  • Ethereal Form: Vision spell does not work on Spirits. Spirits don't eat
  • From the Shadows: Failed intel operations do not generate tribe news
  • No thief losses from failed operations
  • Thieves Trap apply Pestilence (with equal duration)

Military Units

Class Off/Def Cost
Basic Ghost 0/0 75 cr
Off Phantom 3/0 275 cr
Def Poltergeist 2/7 760 cr
Elite Banshee 6/2 690 cr
Thief Apparition 0/2 250 cr


Human Mage

Human scholars who became consumed with religious zeal and regard magic as the answer to their prayers. Hard to kill and twice as nuts, other races, particularly mages are wise to tread carefully around the order of the Templars.

Racial Abilities

  • 45% homes allowed
  • 1 PPA gives +10% Mage Level
  • Priest offence bonus: +50%
  • Temples produce one additonal priest per month
  • Can have 20 PPA

Military Units

Class Off/Def Cost
Basic Monk 0/0 50 cr
Off Knight 4/0 500 cr
Def Archpriest 0/5 550 cr
Elite Paladin 5/4 875 cr
Thief Cleric 0/0 375 cr


Cursed Mage

Through their fel ancestry, Tieflings have gained an innate talent for manipulating mana. This ancestry however has cursed them to lose their sanity, the longer they use magic. They are often hunted down before they can go on a rampage in their corrupted forms.

Racial Abilities

  • Corrupted cannot be trained
  • 0.7% of Warlocks become Corrupted per month
  • Failed outgoing spells kill Corrupted from the magical backlash (land / 25)
  • Increased spell damage by 1% for each Corrupted per acre, up to 35%

Military Units

Class Off/Def Cost
Basic Acolyte 0/0 75 cr
Off Felblade 4/0 450 cr
Def Warlock 0/7 650 cr
Elite Corrupted 8/6  
Thief Trickster 0/0 250 cr


Cursed Attacker

The Undead were once living, breathing creatures, and are indeed a fearsome sight. It is very difficult to kill one, as they do not breathe, nor do they have any organs to pierce. Their vampires prey on enemy flesh, which causes their ranks to swell inexorably.

Racial Abilities

  • Resurrect skeletons from non-skeleton enemy units killed in combat
  • Priest offence and defence bonus: +100%
  • Priest Farm, Mine and Yard production bonus: +100%
  • Land gained from attacks increased by 2% per PPA
  • Vampires are immortal

Military Units

Class Off/Def Cost
Basic Chupacabra 0/0 50 cr
Off Skeleton 4/1 275 cr
Def Mummy 0/6 560 cr
Elite Vampire 7/9 1,450 cr
Thief Imp 0/0 400 cr

Uruk Hai

Ork Attacker

An advanced race of Orc that is tough as old boots, a true warrior. Their one aim in life is to loot, kill and destroy and they excel at murdering enemy forces. These are the monsters under your bed.

Racial Abilities

  • Kill +50% military units in combat
  • Rage
    • Gain 1% offense bonus, and 1% spell block per stack.
    • Gain 8 stacks from successful attack on a target > 75% of your size
    • Stack up to 15% offense, 15% spell block (15 stacks)
    • Lose 1 stack each month your general remains home
    • Lose 4 stack on retreats
  • Immune to Intercept
  • -75% losses for Half-Giants when attacking and defending

Military Units

Class Off/Def Cost
Basic Pit Spawn 0/0 50 cr
Off Hill Troll 5/0 450 cr
Def Ogre Shaman 0/6 550 cr
Elite Half-Giant 9/3 1,050 cr
Thief Blackguard 2/0 275 cr


Human Attacker

Unfortunately, it is very expensive to train a Viking. They are very dense, and tend to be overtly arrogant. Though once trained, a Viking is a very strong and versatile unit.

Racial Abilities

  • Hit 'n' Run, Raze & Blasphemy Crusade require no general rest time
  • Bloodthirst - Every month military losses inflicted increases by 20%. Max +100% after 5 months. Only regens if the army is at home
  • Pillage only requires 50% offence to break a larger tribe (but less than 100% deals less damage)
  • pillage has 3 hour attack time
  • Weaponries hold an additional 75 citizens
  • Each 1% weaponries counts as 1TPA when defending against operations

Military Units

Class Off/Def Cost
Basic Soldier 2/1 150 cr
Off Swordman 5/1 300 cr
Def Archer 1/7 625 cr
Elite Berserker 10/5 1,300 cr
Thief Looter 0/0 350 cr


Human Mage

Wizards are tall thoughtful characters who are keen to discover the world around them. Not only are they handy with a spell-book but in times of trouble they have been known to use that magical staff to wallop enemies a good one too!

Racial Abilities

  • Scry Land and Siphon Land spells
  • Guilds (not Lore Keepers) produce 1/3 research points
  • 200 Lore Keepers are 1 guild equivalent (storage and regen)
  • Exploring costs 150% of normal crowns

Military Units

Class Off/Def Cost
Basic Apprentice 0/0 100 cr
Def Sorcerer 0/4 375 cr
Elite Grey Wizard 5/7 1,050 cr
Thief Illusionist 0/0 400 cr
Mystic Lore Keeper 0/1 175 cr

Wood Elf

Elf Thief

With a powerful affinity for nature suffused in a romantic knowledge of the birds and the bees, Wood Elves are the quickest to recover their population in times of crisis. However peace and love do not extend to their enemies, upset a WE to your peril, their magically quick-filling and extra-filled thief hideouts make them a force of nature indeed.

Racial Abilities

  • Hideouts hold +25% TP and grant +25% normal TP regeneration
  • +50% damage on Intrigue
  • Retraining units refunds 80% of the cost

Military Units

Class Off/Def Cost
Basic Slinger 0/0 75 cr
Off Woodrider 5/0 600 cr
Def Druid 0/6 600 cr
Elite Tree Ent 0/10 1,300 cr
Thief Grassrunner 0/1 150 cr