
All thieves have a bonus of 1 tick shorter thief return time.


Human Thief

Ordinary looking, life is cheap and thieves' dens are two-a-penny in a Brittonian tribe. War is when a Britt really shines, quick wits and even quicker fingers enable them to use skills passed down for generations to stash resources for later use. Up to no good? You bet your life they are!

Racial Abilities

  • Homes hold 400 citizens, Hideouts hold 50 citizens
  • Each building destroyed by thievery yields 6000 crowns
  • Exploring costs 115% of normal crowns
  • Ready to go: +25% starting money

Military Units

Class Off/Def Cost
Basic Thug 0/0 75 cr
Off Highwayman 4/0 425 cr
Def Lawyer 0/4 450 cr
Elite Marauder 2/7 1,400 cr
Thief Rogue 1/0 100 cr


Winged Thief

Long revered by many cultures, Eagles have a magical quality that has evolved into magical ability. Many will hunt them, thinking they see weakness, many will fail... an eagle's defensive abilities are second to none.

Racial Abilities

  • 40% chance to elude attackers
  • Guilds count as 1/4 a hideout for thievery plans
  • Hideouts count as 1/4 a guild for mana
  • Hideouts and guilds hold 40 citizens
  • Exploring costs 120% of normal crowns
  • Casting Winds of Distress lasts 2 months instead of 1

Military Units

Class Off/Def Cost
Basic Nester 0/0 50 cr
Off Emesen 1/0 100 cr
Def Vendo 0/5 450 cr
Elite Anekonian 2/8 1,150 cr
Thief Razorbeak 0/2 275 cr


Human Thief

A Hobbit friend is a friend for life, these short but big-hearted people will help you when you need it most. As well as having the fastest thieves, this is the only race that can provide aid to alliance mates. The Hobbit’s tendency for feasting can be a burden however as they will eat you out of house and home!

Racial Abilities

  • -1 month thief return time (2 months thief return time)
  • Able to provide aid to Human allies via Weather's Light and Templu Amblo (with 40% normal gains)
  • +50% food consumption
  • Farms hold 150 citizens
  • Cannot build Barracks
  • Hwighton Raid damage: +100%

Military Units

Class Off/Def Cost
Basic Dimwit 0/0 100 cr
Off Snecklifter 4/0 250 cr
Def Flibbertigibbert 0/4 300 cr
Elite Mugwump 0/7 1,050 cr
Thief Snollygoster 0/2 275 cr

Mori Hai

Ork Thief

An evolved form of Ork, what they lost of their brute force they gained in cunning, finding new ways to use homes in clever ways. With more citizens at their disposal and a near constant supply of thief plans, the resilient Mori tribe leader is able to quickly order retaliation in various guises.

Racial Abilities

  • Pop boost: 45% homes allowed
  • Homes give thief plans (1 Home = 1/2 Hideout)
  • Exploring costs 120% of normal crowns
  • -60% thief loses on operations

Military Units

Class Off/Def Cost
Basic Gnome 0/0 75 cr
Off Goblin 4/0 350 cr
Def Engineer 0/5 475 cr
Elite Mountain Ogre 5/5 1,050 cr
Thief Assassin 4/1 465 cr


Winged Thief

The wise birds of the night. At least they were. The moon temples disturbed their sense of day and night and now they have changed their sleep and hunt schedule.

Racial Abilities

  • 1 month thievery return time
  • 40% gains of self operations
  • Takes 40% less damage from Juranimosity
  • Cannot perform Thieves Trap

Military Units

Class Off/Def Cost
Basic Nester 0/0 40 cr
Off Nightclaw 4/0 350 cr
Def Screecher 0/5 500 cr
Elite Long Brow 6/8 1,150 cr
Thief Swift Feather 0/4 450 cr


Cursed Thief

All that remains from the cursed souls of the Nazgul, who are now presumed to be extinct. You cannot see or hear a Spirit but their presence becomes known in other ways. Their lack of physical form could be a disability but used correctly, can be positive in many ways.

Racial Abilities

  • Ethereal Form: Vision spell does not work on Spirits. Spirits don't eat
  • From the Shadows: Failed intel operations do not generate tribe news
  • No thief losses from failed operations
  • Thieves Trap apply Pestilence (with equal duration)

Military Units

Class Off/Def Cost
Basic Ghost 0/0 75 cr
Off Phantom 3/0 275 cr
Def Poltergeist 2/7 760 cr
Elite Banshee 6/2 690 cr
Thief Apparition 0/2 250 cr

Wood Elf

Elf Thief

With a powerful affinity for nature suffused in a romantic knowledge of the birds and the bees, Wood Elves are the quickest to recover their population in times of crisis. However peace and love do not extend to their enemies, upset a WE to your peril, their magically quick-filling and extra-filled thief hideouts make them a force of nature indeed.

Racial Abilities

  • Hideouts hold +25% TP and grant +25% normal TP regeneration
  • +50% damage on Intrigue
  • Retraining units refunds 80% of the cost

Military Units

Class Off/Def Cost
Basic Slinger 0/0 75 cr
Off Woodrider 5/0 600 cr
Def Druid 0/6 600 cr
Elite Tree Ent 0/10 1,300 cr
Thief Grassrunner 0/1 150 cr